Meet Kerri

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to visit! My name is Kerri and I started blogging in 2009 when my second daughter was born. Since then I have returned to teaching full time in the classroom but I still have a passion for blogging.
I love coffee, all things rustic, vintage, clean eating and simple living.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Life Lesson

A while back I decided to visit the sponsors on Lemonade Makin' mama's blog. One of these sponsors is Gifts for the Heart International. This organization is dedicated to providing joy to needy children worldwide through one simple act~the simple gift of a stuffed animal. This simple gesture really made me stop and REFLECT on my own life. My own little sheltered world. Now don't get me wrong, as my blog indicates I am FRUGAL partly becaus I enjoy the thrill of the hunt and partly because of my financial situation. Yet my girls and I pray every night thanking God for our food, our shelter and our family. Many of my girls toys come from thrift and consignment shops, yet they still have more than their basic needs. In fact, Big Sis has an addiction to stuffed animals. Which of course Lil Sis wants too. Which leads me to want to DONATE an entire bag full of their stuffed animals. But the important part is the LESSON of COMPASSION that this momma will be teaching her girls.

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